SFWA Market Report—February 2022
Welcome to the February edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. The markets included on this list all pay at least $0.08/word in at least one length-category of fiction.
New Markets
Assemble Artifacts Magazine (Please note: Some writers have been concerned with Assemble Artifacts’ submission terms, which resemble the submission waivers writers sign in the film/TV biz rather than literary ones. They fit the magazine’s film/media focus, but we always advise writers to review contracts carefully, with a lawyer’s advice if possible.)
Dangerous Waters
Fit For The Gods
Forest Avenue Press Disabled Author SFF Anthology
Human Monsters
If There’s Anyone Left Micro-Fiction Contest
Infinite Horrors
The Book of Witches
The Librarian
Currently Open for Submissions
Air and Nothingness Press
Al Blanchard Award(Recently Opened)
Analog Science Fiction & Fact
Apex Magazine
Asimov’s Science Fiction
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Clarkesworld Magazine
Cloud Lake Literary
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores(Recently Opened)
Cossmass Infinities(Recently Opened)
Daily Science Fiction
Escape Pod
Factor Four Magazine
Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF)
Fantasy Magazine(Recently Opened)
Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter
Flash Fiction Online (FFO)(Recently Opened)
From the Ashes: An Anthology of Elemental Urban Fantasy
Future Science Fiction Digest
Infinite Worlds
Issues in Earth Science
Kit Sora Flash Fiction / Flash Photography Contest
Little Blue Marble(Recently Opened)
Mike Resnick Memorial Award for Short Fiction
Nature: Futures
Orpheus + Eurydice Unbound
Proton Reader
Seize the Press
Sovereign: An Anthology of Black Fantasy Fiction
The Arcanist
The Deadlands(Recently Opened)
Uncharted Magazine
Zooscape(Recently Opened)
Recently Closed for Submissions
Aurelia Leo
Christmas Gothic Short Stories(Permanent)
Compelling Science Fiction Short Stories(Permanent)
Horror That Represents You(Permanent)
Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast
Luminescent Machinations: Queer Tales of Monumental Invention(Permanent)
Martian Magazine
Opulent Syntax: Irish Speculative Fiction
Solarpunk Magazine
Solarpunk Monthly Micro Fiction Contest
The Reinvented Detective(Permanent)
Upcoming Market Changes
Cast of Wonders‘s “Halloween” Theme begins and ends soon.
CatsCast temporarily closes soon.
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores‘s Submission Window begins and ends soon.
Cossmass Infinities‘s Limited Demographic Submission Window: Black, Asian, Latin, LGBTQ+ and other under-represented authors begins soon.
Cossmass Infinities‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Fit For The Gods permanently closes soon.
FIYAH‘s “Food and Cuisine” Theme begins soon.
Flash Fiction Online (FFO)‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Flash Fiction Online (FFO)‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Human Monsters‘s Submission Window begins soon.
If There’s Anyone Left Micro-Fiction Contest‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Orion’s Belt opens soon.
Orpheus + Eurydice Unbound‘s Submission Window ends soon.
PodCastle‘s Submission Window begins soon.
PseudoPod‘s Submission For Reprints that originally appeared in 2022 Anthologies and Collections begins soon.
Solarpunk Magazine‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Solarpunk Monthly Micro Fiction Contest‘s “Climate Fiction” Theme begins and ends soon.
The SFWA Market Report is compiled by David Steffen, editor of Diabolical Plots and The Long List Anthology series, and administrator and co-founder of the Submission Grinder. Watch for news soon about The Long List Anthology Volume 7: More Stories From the Hugo Award Nomination List! You can support Diabolical Plots and the Submission Grinder on PayPal or Patreon or buy books from Diabolical Plots.