Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Quick Updates for 2010-04-17

Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Paolo Bacigalupi, Leanna Renee Hieber, Ted Kosmatka, Shiloh Walker, Victoria Strauss, Monica Valentinell, John Scalzi, Juliette Wade, Ekaterina Sedia, Lori Devoti, David Levine, Jay Lake, Lisa Mantchev, Saladin Ahmed, Andrew Burt, and Leah Cypess!

How to Kill Your Imaginary Friends: Tools for the Toolbox: Going Viral

“Tools for the Toolbox” is a series of posts that describe disease types and organ systems. Eventually I hope to include enough information that a writer might be able to do some creative mixing and matching to produce the symptoms they want to give a character. Because it’s really frustrating to throw darts in the dark and hope something lands near the bull’s-eye. Hope it helps!