Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Hachette Book Group moves to Agency model

Galleycat reports on Hachette Book Group’s decision to move to the same type of agency model proposed by Macmillan.  Below is the letter from their CEO, David Young. February 4, 2010 Dear Agent, At Hachette Book Group, we have been considering a new pricing model for some time, and have decided to transition to selling […]

SFWA removes links from website

Due to’s removal of many of our authors’ books from its ordering system, we are removing links from our website. Our authors depend on people buying their books and since a significant percentage of them publish through Macmillan or its subsidiaries, we would prefer to send traffic to stores where the books can […]

Dispatches from the Ebook Wars: Macmillan vs. Amazon

For some time, publishers and others have been concerned about Amazon’s policy of pricing ebooks at $9.99, regardless of the price tag publishers put on them. Many feel that Amazon’s discounted ebook pricing is an attempt to control and monopolize the ebook market by forcing a pricing standard. Some in the publishing industry have even called the practice predatory.