Quick Updates for 2009-12-09
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Angel McCoy, Mike Resnick, Jay Lake, James Patrick Kelly, Aliette de Bodard, Kami Garcia, and Margaret Stohl
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Angel McCoy, Mike Resnick, Jay Lake, James Patrick Kelly, Aliette de Bodard, Kami Garcia, and Margaret Stohl
As you put your world together, ask yourself how your people divide themselves up. Is it by town? By side of town (other side of the tracks, etc.)? Is it by larger geographical region? Is it by profession? By upper and lower class?
Vincent Docherty, WSFS Division Head for the 2010 Worldcon, Aussiecon 4, and Administrator for the Hugo Awards discusses the amended Hugo rules. Specifically, he answers the question “Will blogs and websites be eligible in the Best Fanzine and Best Semiprozine categories if they meet the general criteria of either category?”
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Paolo Bacigalupi, Alex Bledsoe, Aliette de Bodard, and Cindy Pon
When writing there will come a moment when you have to deal with furniture. If it’s historical fantasy, steampunk or timetravel you’ll face the question of finding something that is period correct. What did people sit on in 1650? How long have drop-leaf tables been around? What was the most expensive wood?
Resources, Industry News, and news on members Dave Creek, Stacia Kane, and Terry Bisson
Kevin Weiss, President and CEO of Author Solutions Inc., has issued a video statement addressing the responses by RWA, SFWA, MWA, and NINC to ASI’s recent partnerships with commercial publishers in launching pay-to-publish divisions.
Resources, Member News, and Industry News
Don Congdon
Resources, Member News, and Industry News for 2009-12-04