Home > Prior SFWA Board & Officers

Prior SFWA Board & Officers

SFWA is a mostly volunteer-run 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We’d like to take the time to thank those professionals who have stepped up and run for one of the SFWA Board positions throughout our nearly 60 year history.

All Past Officers and Selected Other Positions

2024 –

President: Jeffe Kennedy (resigned Aug 1, 2024)

–Chelsea Mueller (Aug 1, 2024 – Aug 15, 2024) (resigned Aug 15, 2024)

–Anthony Eichenlaub (Aug 15, 2024 – term ends with Special election of new President)

Vice President: Chelsea Mueller (promoted to President Aug 1, 2024)

–Anthony Eichenlaub (promoted to President Aug 15, 2024)

–(empty until Special Election)

Chief Financial Officer: Jonathan Brazee

Secretary: Jasmine Gower (resigned)

–Anthony Eichenlaub (promoted to Vice President Aug 15, 2024)

–(empty until Special Election)


Anthony Eichenlaub (promoted to Secretary)

Christine Taylor-Butler

Phoebe Barton

Noah Sturdevant – (appointed to replace Anthony Eichenlaub)

Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki

Alton Kremer (appointed to replace Chelsea Mueller July 1, 2024)

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay (empty as of September 30, 2024))

2023 – 2024

President: Jeffe Kennedy

Vice President: John P. Murphy

Secretary: Jasmine Gower

Chief Financial Officer: Erin M. Hartshorn


Christine Taylor-Butler

Chelsea Mueller

Monica Valentinelli

Jordan Kurella

Phoebe Barton

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay

2022 – 2023

President: Jeffe Kennedy

Vice President: John P. Murphy

Secretary: Adam Rakunas

Chief Financial Officer: Erin M. Hartshorn


José Pablo Iriarte

Remy Nakamura

Christine Taylor-Butler

Monica Valentinelli

Jordan Kurella

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay

2021 – 2022

President: Jeffe Kennedy

Vice President: Tobias S. Buckell

Secretary: Adam Rakunas


José Pablo Iriarte

Remy Nakamura

Christine Taylor-Butler

Monica Valentinelli

Phoebe Barton

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay


2020 – 2021

President: Mary Robinette Kowal

Vice President: Tobias S. Buckell

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Nathan Lowell


Sarah Pinsker

Jeffe Kennedy

James Beamon

Monica Valentinelli

Phoebe Barton

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay

2019 – 2020

President: Mary Robinette Kowal

Vice President: Erin Hartshorn

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Nathan Lowell


Sarah Pinsker

Tobias S. Buckell

Jeffe Kennedy

James Beamon

Kelly Robson


Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay


January 1st – June 30th, 2019

President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: Erin Hartshorn

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Nathan Lowell


Sarah Pinsker

Tobias S. Buckell*

Jeffe Kennedy

Andy Duncan

Kelly Robson


Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay


*appointed in April 2019 after resignation of Director-at-Large, Lawrence M. Schoen.


President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: Erin Hartshorn

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Nathan Lowell


Sarah Pinsker

Lawrence M. Schoen

Jeffe Kennedy

Andy Duncan

Kelly Robson


Executive Director: Kate Baker



President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: Erin Hartshorn (Maggie Hogarth Resigned 5/2017)

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Bud Sparhawk


Sarah Pinsker

Lawrence M. Schoen

John P. Murphy

Jeffe Kennedy

Andy Duncan


Executive Director: Kate Baker


2016 – 2017

President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: Maggie Hogarth

Secretary: Susan Forest

Chief Financial Officer: Bud Sparhawk


Sarah Pinsker

Justina Ireland (Resigned 12/2016)

Erin M. Hartshorn (Appointed 12/2016)

Lawrence M. Schoen

Matthew Johnson

Jennifer Brozek


Executive Director: Kate Baker



President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: M. C. A. Hogarth

Secretary: Susan Forest

Chief Financial Officer: Bud Sparhawk


Sarah Pinsker

Lee Martindale

Jennifer Brozek

Matthew Johnson

Tansy Rayner Roberts


Director of Operations: Kate Baker



President: Steven Gould

Vice President: Cat Rambo

Secretary: Susan Forest

Chief Financial Officer: Bud Sparhawk

Regional Directors:

East: Sarah Pinsker

South-Central: Lee Martindale

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: Matthew Johnson

Overseas: Tansy Rayner Roberts


Director of Operations: Kate Baker



President: Steven Gould

Vice President: Rachel Swirsky

Secretary: Susan Forest

Treasurer: Bud Sparhawk

Regional Directors:

East: E. C. Myers

South-Central: Lee Martindale

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: Matthew Johnson

Overseas: Tansy Rayner Roberts

Director of Operations: Kate Baker



President: John Scalzi

Vice President: Rachel Swirsky

Secretary: Ann Leckie

Treasurer: Bud Sparhawk

Regional Directors:

East: Catherynne M. Valente

South-Central: Lee Martindale

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: Matthew Johnson

Overseas: Tansy Rayner Roberts

Office Manager: Kate Baker



President: John Scalzi

Vice President: Mary Robinette Kowal

Secretary: Robert J. Howe

Treasurer: Amy Sterling Casil / Bud Sparhawk

Regional Directors:

East: Bud Sparhawk / Catherynne M. Valente

South-Central: Lee Martindale

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: vacant

Overseas: Sean Williams

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell / position discontinued

Office Manager: Kate Baker


President: Russell Davis

Vice President: Elizabeth Moon / Michael Capobianco

Secretary: Mary Robinette Kowal

Treasurer: Amy Sterling Casil

Regional Directors:

East: Bud Sparhawk

South-Central: Paul Melko

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: Chris Atack / vacant

Overseas: Ian Whates / vacant

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell


President: Michael Capobianco

Vice President: Andrew Burt

Secretary: Alma Alexander

Treasurer: Susan Urbanek Linville

Regional Directors

East: Bud Sparhawk

South-Central: Paul Melko

West: Russell Davis

Canadian: Chris Atack

Overseas: vacant

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell 


President: Robin Wayne Bailey
Vice President: Howard V. Hendrix
Secretary: Catherine Mintz
Treasurer: Justin Stanchfield

Regional Directors:
East: Diane Turnshek
South-Central: Alexis Glynn Latner
West: Sheila Finch
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: Ian Watson

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: John Barnes
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Robin Wayne Bailey
Vice President: Howard V. Hendrix
Secretary: Catherine Mintz
Treasurer: Justin Stanchfield

Regional Directors:
East: Diane Turnshek
South-Central: Alexis Glynn Latner
West: Sheila Finch
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: James A. Hartley

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: John Barnes
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Catherine Asaro
Vice President: Andrew Burt
Secretary: Deborah J. Ross
Treasurer: Justin Stanchfield

Regional Directors:
East: Catherine Mintz/Diane Turnshek
South-Central: Alexis Glynn Latner
West: Sheila Finch
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: James A. Hartley

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Catherine Asaro
Vice President: Andrew Burt
Secretary: Kathy D. Wentworth
Treasurer: Lawrence Watt-Evans

Regional Directors:
East: Catherine Mintz
South-Central: Lois Tilton
West: Sheila Finch
Canadian: Chris Atack
Overseas: James A. Hartley

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Sharon Lee
Vice President: Catherine Asaro
Secretary: ElizaBeth Gilligan
Treasurer: Chuck Rothman

Regional Directors:
East: Catherine Mintz
South-Central: Lois Tilton
West: Howard Hendrix
Canadian: Chris Atack
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall/Ian Watson

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Norman Spinrad
Vice President: Sharon Lee
Secretary: Madeleine Robins
Treasurer: Chuck Rothman
Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell

Regional Directors:
East: Brad Ferguson
South-Central: Lois Tilton
West: Howard Hendrix
Canadian: Chris Atack
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

The Bulletin: Dave Truesdale
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Paul Levinson
Vice President: Terry McGarry
Secretary: K.D. Wentworth
Treasurer: Chuck Rothman

Regional Directors:
East: Brad Ferguson
South-Central: Linda J. Dunn
West: Howard Hendrix
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Dir: Sharon Lee/Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Dave Truesdale
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Paul Levinson
Vice President: A.C. Crispin
Secretary: Michael A. Burstein
Treasurer: Ian Randal Strock

Regional Directors:
East: Brad Ferguson
South-Central: Linda Dunn
West: Michael Armstrong
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Dir: Sharon Lee
The Bulletin: Dave Truesdale
Grievance Chair:
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Robert J. Sawyer/Paul Levinson
Vice President: Paul Levinson/A.C. Crispin
Secretary: Michael A. Burstein
Treasurer: Ian Randal Strock

Regional Directors:
East: A.C. Crispin/Allen M. Steele
South-Central: Linda J. Dunn
West: Michael Armstrong
Canadian: Edo van Belkom/Derryl Murphy
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Dir.: Sharon Lee
The Bulletin: Mark J. McGarry/John Betancourt/Dave Truesdale
Grievance Chair: M. Christine Valada
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Michael Capobianco
Vice President: George R. R. Martin
Secretary: John J. Miller
Treasurer: Charles G. McGraw

Regional Directors:
East: A.C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Michael Armstrong
Canadian: Edo van Belkom
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Dir.: Sharon Lee
Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Mark J. McGarry
Grievance Chair: M. Christine Valada
Forum: Jerry Oltion/James Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Michael Capobianco
Vice President: George R. R. Martin
Secretary: John J. Miller
Treasurer: Charles G. McGraw

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Edo van Belkom
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Mark J. McGarry
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Jerry Oltion
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Barbara Hambly
Vice President: Michael Capobianco
Secretary: James Macdonald
Treasurer: Mickey Zucker Reichert

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Edo van Belkom
Overseas: Pierre Barbet/Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Mark J. McGarry
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Jerry Oltion
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Barbara Hambly
Vice President: C. J. Cherryh
Secretary: James Macdonald
Treasurer: Mickey Zucker Reichert

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Robert J. Sawyer
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Dan Hatch
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Kevin and Rebecca Anderson
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Joe Haldeman
Vice President: C. J. Cherryh
Secretary: Dafydd ab Hugh
Treasurer: Michael Capobianco

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Robert J. Sawyer
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Dan Hatch
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Kevin and Rebecca Anderson
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Joe Haldeman
Vice President: Sheila Finch
Secretary: Dafydd ab Hugh
Treasurer: Michael Capobianco

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Robert J. Sawyer
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Dan Hatch
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Kevin and Rebecca Anderson
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Ben Bova
Vice President: Sheila Finch
Secretary: C. J. Cherryh
Treasurer: Bruce Bethke

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Dan Hatch
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: A.J. Austin Hamler
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Ben Bova
Vice President: Dean R. Lambe
Secretary: Martha Soukup
Treasurer: Bruce Bethke

Regional Directors:
East: Lawrence Watt-Evans
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Stephen Goldin
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance Chair: Dean R. Lambe
Forum: A. J. Austin Hamler
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq von Rospach


President: Greg Bear
Vice President: Dean R. Lambe
Secretary: Martha Soukup
Treasurer: David Alexander Smith

 Regional Directors:
East: F. Paul Wilson
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Stephen Goldin
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance Chair: Dean R. Lambe
Forum: Diane Clark
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq von Rospach


President: Greg Bear
Vice President: Michael Cassutt
Secretary: Frank Catalano
Treasurer: D. Alexander Smith

Regional Directors:
East: F. Paul Wilson
South-Central: Steven Gould
West: Stephen Goldin
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance Chair: Michael Cassutt
Forum: Diane Brizzolara Clark
N.A.R. Editor: Mark L. Van Name


President: Jane Yolen
Vice President: John F. Carr/Greg Bear
Secretary: Lee Killough
Treasurer: Harry Turtledove / David Alexander Smith

Regional Directors:
East: F. Paul Wilson
South-Central: Steven Gould
West: Norman Spinrad
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance chair: Warren Norwood
Forum: Kiel Stuart
N.A.R. Editor: Orson Scott Card / Mark Van Name


President: Charles Sheffield
Vice President: Roland Green
Secretary: C. J. Cherryh
Treasurer: John F. Carr

Regional Directors:
East: F. Paul Wilson
South-Central: Sharon Webb
West: Greg Benford / Norman Spinrad
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance chair: Paul Preuss / Greg Bear
Forum: Greg Bear / Kiel Stuart
N.A.R. Editor: Frank Catalano / Orson Scott Card


President: Marta Randall
Vice President: Charles Sheffield
Secretary: David Brin

Treasurer: John F. Carr
Regional Directors:
East: Barry N. Malzberg
South-Central: Sharon Webb
West: Gregory Benford
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance chair: Karl T. Pflock / Paul Preuss
Forum: Greg Bear & Astrid Anderson
N.A.R. Editor: Frank Catalano / Waters


President: Norman Spinrad
Vice President: Dave Bischoff  /  Marta Randall
Secretary: Somtow Sucharitkul
Treasurer: Jack Chalker

 Regional Directors:
East: C. L. Grant / Barry N. Malzberg
South-Central: Joan Hunter Holly
West: David Gerrold
Overseas: Fred Clarke/Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Richard Kearns
Grievance chair: Karl T. Pflock
Forum: Mark J. McGarry
N.A.R. Editor: Frank Catalano


President: Jack Williamson
Vice President: Marion Zimmer Bradley / Robert E. Vardeman
Secretary: David Bischoff
Treasurer: Joan Hunter Holly / Jack Chalker

Eastern Regional Director: Charles L. Grant

South/Central Regional Director: George R. R. Martin

Western Regional Director: David Gerrold

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: John F. Carr
Grievance chair: Joe Haldeman
Forum: Robert E. Vardeman / Paul D. Novitski
N.A.R. Editor: George W. Proctor


President: Andrew J. Offutt
Vice President: Mildred Downey Broxon
Secretary: Thomas F. Monteleone
Treasurer: Joan Hunter Holly

Eastern Regional Director: Tom Purdom

South/Central Regional Director: Joseph L. Green/George R. R. Martin

Western Regional Director: Robert Silverberg

Exec. Sec.: C. L. Grant / Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: S. Goldin / John F. Carr
Grievance chair: Jerry Pournelle
Overseas Agent: Andrew M. Stephenson
Forum: Theodore Cogswell / Robert Vardeman
N.A.R. Editor: C.L. Grant / George W. Proctor



President: Frederik Pohl
Vice President: F. M. Busby
Secretary: Theodore Cogswell/Thomas F. Monteleone
Treasurer: Andrew J. Offutt

Exec. Sec.: C. L. Grant
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski/Stephen Goldin
Grievance chair: Jerry Pournelle
Overseas Agent: Christopher Priest
Forum: Theodore Cogswell
N.A.R. Editor: Vonda N. McIntyre



President: Jerry Pournelle
Vice President: Norman Spinrad
Secretary: Robert Coulson
Treasurer: Andrew J. Offutt

Exec. Sec.: C. L. Grant
The Bulletin: George Zebrowski
Overseas Agent: Christopher Priest
Forum: Theodore Cogswell
N.A.R. Editor: Vonda N. McIntyre



President: Poul Anderson
Vice President: Norman Spinrad
Secretary: Robert Coulson
Treasurer: Joe Haldeman

The Bulletin: George Zebrowski
Overseas Agent: Christopher Priest
Forum: George Scithers / Theodore Cogswell
N.A.R. Editor: Vonda N. McIntyre



President: James Gunn
Vice President: Tom Purdom
Secretary: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Treasurer: Joe Haldeman

The Bulletin: George Zebrowski
Grievance chair: ?
Overseas Agent: Christopher Priest
Forum: Juanita Coulson



President: Gordon Dickson
Vice President: Ron Goulart
Secretary-Treasurer: Anne McCaffrey

The Bulletin: Barry Malzberg/G. Zebrowski
Grievance chair: Ron Goulart



President: Alan E. Nourse
Vice President: Harry Harrison
Secretary-Treasurer: Anne McCaffrey

The Bulletin: Alexei Panshin



President: Robert Silverberg
Vice President: James Blish
Secretary-Treasurer: Roger Zelazny

The Bulletin: Terry Carr



President: Damon Knight
Vice President: Harlan Ellison
Secretary-Treasurer: Lloyd Biggle, Jr.

The Bulletin: Damon Knight


*Special thanks to Michael Capobianco and Kate Baker for putting together this list.