Introducing the SFWA Blog
We are currently seeking an editor for the main blog on the SFWA homepage. If you think you might be a good match for this position, please contact Mary Robinette Kowal.
We are currently seeking an editor for the main blog on the SFWA homepage. If you think you might be a good match for this position, please contact Mary Robinette Kowal.
For the Nameless Restaurant, once a discreet hole-in-the-wall meant for a cast of supernatural regulars, the increasing levels of background magic has brought with it that most dreadful of locusts – new customers.
Renan Bernardo is a Nebula finalist author of science fiction and fantasy from Brazil. His fiction appeared in Reactor/, Apex Magazine, Podcastle, Escape Pod, and other places. His collection Different Kinds of Defiance was published in 2024.