The 2022–2023 SFWA Board

Effective July 1, 2022, the SFWA Board of Directors is made up of the following members:

  • President Jeffe Kennedy 
  • Vice President John Murphy 
  • Secretary Jasmine Gower 
  • Chief Financial Officer Erin Hartshorn 
  • Directors-at-Large Monica Valentinelli, Jordan Kurella, Remy Nakamura, Christine Taylor-Butler, and José Pablo Iriarte.

Please join us in giving our thanks to the Directors and Officers who left the SFWA Board on June 30, 2022 as well: Nathan Lowell (CFO), Tobias S. Buckell (Vice President), Adam Rakunas (Secretary), and Phoebe Barton (Director-At-Large). 

As with most of our programs, services, and committees, the Board of Directors is made up entirely of volunteers! We’ve benefited greatly from the time and expertise they’ve shared with the organization.

Best wishes to the 2022–2023 SFWA Board!