SFWA Market Report For August

Welcome to the August edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA.

Currently Open

Analog Science Fiction & Fact
Apex Magazine(Recently Opened)
Asimov’s Science Fiction
Baffling Magazine
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Clarkesworld Magazine
Cloud Lake Literary
Daily Science Fiction
Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF)(Recently Opened)
Fantasy Magazine(Recently Opened)
Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter
Flash Fiction Online
Frozen Wavelets(Recently Opened)
Future Science Fiction Digest
Kit Sora Flash Fiction / Flash Photography Contest
Little Blue Marble
Nature: Futures
Strange Horizons
The Kid’s Ark
The Wild Hunt Anthology
Upon a Once Time

Recently Closed

Addition Magazine
Brain Games: Stories to Astonish(Permanent)
Cast of Wonders
If There’s Anyone Left
Selene Quarterly Magazine(Permanent)

Upcoming Market Changes

Cast of Wonders Flash Fiction Contest‘s Submission Window begins and ends soon.
Escape Pod‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Fantasy Magazine‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Fantasy Magazine‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Fireside‘s Submission Window begins and ends soon.
Frozen Wavelets‘s Submission Window ends soon.
PodCastle‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Zooscape temporarily closes soon.


The SFWA Market Report is compiled by David Steffen, editor of Diabolical Plots and administrator and co-founder of the Submission Grinder, and editor of The Long List Anthology series.  Some time very soon details will be announced for the Kickstarter for The Long List Anthology Volume 6.  You can support Diabolical Plots and the Submission Grinder on PayPal or Patreon or buy books from Diabolical Plots