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Reading Series

SFWA encourages readers and writers of science fiction to gather in many cities. Here is a list of events we know about, sorted by city and state.

Orange, CA

Speculative Collective, an author reading series that will be free and dedicated to bringing together the growing spec fic community in Souther California.

Baltimore, Maryland

Charm City Spec, a speculative reading series in the city of Baltimore.  Twitter

Boston, MA

Speculative Boston is a quarterly reading series for the science fiction, fantasy, and horror community. Details also on Twitter and Facebook.

New York City, NY

Fantastic Fiction at the KGB Bar in New York City. 3rd Wednesday of every month. Upcoming readers, Podcasts and Pictures.


The New York Review of Science Fiction Readings at Brooklyn Commons Cafe . Generally happens on the first Tuesday of the month.

Philadelphia, PA

Galactic Philadelphia

Portland, OR

Details here

Seattle, WA
