SFWA Market Report For June
Welcome to the June edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA.
Cast of Wonders
Story Seed Vault
Sword & Sorceress
Arsenika‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores‘s Submission Window begins and ends soon.
Diabolical Plots‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Eyedolon‘s “Nowhereville: Weird is Other People” Theme ends soon.
Martian‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Mysterion‘s Submission Window begins soon.
PodCastle‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Story Seed Vault‘s Submission Window begins and ends soon.
Terra! Tara! Terror!‘s Submission Window begins soon.
The Working Zealot’s Guide to Gaining Capital in Pre-Apocalyptic America permanently closes soon.
The SFWA Market Report is compiled by David Steffen, editor of Diabolical Plots and administrator and co-founder of the Submission Grinder. Diabolical Plots Year Three is now available for pre-order, an ebook collection of the 24 stories published in year three on the site, including “Regarding the Robot Raccoons Attached to the Hull of My Ship” by Rachael K. Jones and Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali, which was selected for Neil Clarke’s Best Science Fiction of the Year anthology. Patreon/PayPal subscribers of $5/month or more will get a free copy by email. Diabolical Plots will be open for its yearly submission window for the month of July.