Archive for the ‘The Craft of Writing’ Category

Links to Writers’ Workshops

Online Workshops Critique Circle is an online writing workshop for writers of all genres. It has both free and paid memberships and is populated by aspiring writers. (Note: SFWA does not endorse paid writer services.) Critters Workshop is an on-line workshop/critique group for serious Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror writers. Several thousand members, from aspiring to award-winning pro, with a friendly atmosphere […]

Writers’ Workshops

by James Patrick Kelly © 1988 by James Patrick Kelly, First published in The Bulletin of The Science Fiction Writers of America You don’t believe in writers’ workshops — never have. Maybe you had a bad experience in college. Some reedy creative writing type sneered at sci-fi and said you probably ought to think about […]

Seeking Blog Editor

We’re currently seeking an editor for the Craft of Writing blog. Duties would entail writing and soliciting posts on writing technique, with the aim of enlightening all who read them. If you think you may be a good match for this position, please contact Mary Robinette Kowal.