Posts Tagged ‘workshop’

“From Slush to Sale” at the Baltimore Science Fiction Society

On February 23rd, at 8PM, the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, located at 3310 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21224, will host Scott H. Andrews (Beneath Ceaseless Skies), Damien Walters Grintalis (Electric Velocipede), Rahul Kanakia (formerly of Strange Horizons), Leslie Connors (Apex Magazine) and moderator Sarah Pinsker (published in multiple magazines) for a round table discussion titled, “From Slush to Sale: Behind the Scenes at Science Fiction Magazines.”

Baltimore Science Fiction Society Hosts Writing Workshops

The Baltimore Science Fiction Society (BSFS) is proud to announce the beginning of a series of day long writing workshops run by active and acclaimed professional writers in the genre of science fiction and fantasy. The first will be on Saturday, August 25th at 10 AM at BSFS headquarters at 3310 East Baltimore Street in Baltimore, Maryland, and will be taught by Brenda Clough.

Odyssey Writing Workshop: Online Classes Announced

Odyssey Logo

The Odyssey Writing Workshop, one of the most respected programs for writers of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, is offering three online writing classes this winter.  Each class is focused on a particular element of fiction writing and is designed for writers at a particular skill level, from beginners to professional writers.

Writer’s Workshop at Anticipation 2009, Worldcon

Montreal – There will indeed be a writers’ workshop at Anticipation 2009, Worldcon, in Montreal this August. The workshop sessions are two hours long and scheduled at various times on various days. SFWA members participating as workshop leaders include: Delia Sherman, Mary Robinette Kowal, Catheryne Valente, Mike Shepherd Moscoe, Rich Chwedyk, Lawrence Schoen, David Levine, Nancy Kress, Tony Pi, as well as others.