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Bulletin Submission Guidelines

TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR SUBMISSIONS General Overview The Bulletin is open to non-fiction article and column submissions that would be of interest to new and/or established writers of science fiction and fantasy. We are looking for a wide range of articles including, but not limited to: discussions of the genre publishing business (traditional and self-publishing); essays […]

Grievance Committee Alert: Contract Safeguards Under Siege

There is a recent tendency of some publishers to change their contracts in manners that are decidedly unfavorable to authors. We have had and are having particular issues with indemnity clauses. Griefcom urges all of you to compare any offered contract to the SFWA Model Contract and to ask for changes in any clauses that are non-beneficial to you.

Joining the Club

Unidentified Funny Objects, my anthology series, was partly born out of frustration. It was 2012, and I had been actively writing and submitting short stories for about three years. Things were going rather well: I’d made some professional sales, joined SFWA, and was rapidly becoming a serious fan of the serial comma. Even so, I had learned just enough about the short fiction side of the publishing industry to be frustrated with it.

Erin M. Hartshorn: A Big Tent Philosophy

When I first qualified for SFWA, it had been going through yet another kerfuffle—which one almost certainly doesn’t matter; they tend to come up again and again. People were quitting, and there were questions about whether SFWA is still relevant. That’s why I knew I had to join. I believe in a big tent philosophy—that […]

Jody Lynn Nye: One Big Dysfunctional Family

Right about now, many of you are wishing that you never had to deal with about half of SFWA ever again, but let’s step back momentarily from the fury and heartaching, and look at the discussion for what it really is: a family argument. No, it won’t ever be settled to everyone’s satisfaction. Many families […]

Douglas Smith: SFWA Griefcom to the Rescue

I began my writing career, as have many writers, with short fiction. After I’d made my first few professional sales, I came across a new set of markets I’d never considered before: foreign language (meaning non-English) magazines and anthologies. I stumbled across a mention in Locus of a German publisher who was considering stories for […]