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Life Plus 70

by Ethan Ellenberg

Now we are in a whole new world. There are different ways to be published and author incomes are coming from a far wider range of sources. The standard book agreement that routinely grants the mainstream book publisher a license for the ‘term of copyright’ has to be re-considered.

Overview of Services

by Kate Baker “Why SFWA?” and “What can it do for me?” These two questions have stumped many a SFWA board member, volunteer, and employee throughout our existence. The typical answer had always been, “Bragging rights and oh, the emergency medical fund.” While those two things are definitely beneficial, I’m here to tell you that […]

Infringement Alert

The Internet Archive ( is carrying out a very large and growing program of scanning entire books and posting them on the public Internet. It is calling this project “Open Library,” but it is SFWA’s understanding that this is not library lending, but direct infringement of authors’ copyrights.

Alert Regarding Closure of Great Jones Street

Great Jones Street is — and soon, was — a Web site and app that publishes fiction.  On December 24, they announced that they were going out of business, and that they planned to sell their inventory of fiction to an interested buyer. Writers who have sold work to Great Jones Street should carefully review […]

SFWA and Independent Writers, Part One: History of the Organization

As part of a Twitter conversation, one of my favorite gamewriters, Ken St. Andre, suggested I write up something about SFWA and independent writers that goes into enough detail that people can understand why — or why not — they might want to join. This is part one of a multi-part series that will talk about some of the history behind the decision, and in this first part I want to talk about the organization prior to admitting independent writers.

Difference of Mind

by Erica Satifka

According to the World Health Organization, one out of every four people will be affected by mental illness at some point in their lives. Considering this, it’s important to not only feature characters with mental illness prominently in one’s writing, but to treat the subject with sensitivity and accuracy.

How to Land Pitch Meetings in Hollywood

by Joshua Sky

A big part of selling scripts and landing writing assignments is pitching material in Hollywood. These dealings are nurtured through a series of meetings that you can get in a variety of ways. Let’s explore how to land and get the most from these meetings.