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How Do You Ask for a Blurb?

How do you ask for a blurb without making a nuisance of yourself? You do your research. Many professional authors have “blurb and review” policies in place on their websites, mostly out of self-defense.

Joining the Club

Unidentified Funny Objects, my anthology series, was partly born out of frustration. It was 2012, and I had been actively writing and submitting short stories for about three years. Things were going rather well: I’d made some professional sales, joined SFWA, and was rapidly becoming a serious fan of the serial comma. Even so, I had learned just enough about the short fiction side of the publishing industry to be frustrated with it.

That Paper Dragon

by Jaym Gates and Joie Brown

Last week we discussed some of the basics we use to stay organized, but this week we’re delving into some of the grittier details—client information, multiple deadlines, business cards.

Steven Gould: A “Professional” Writers Organization

I am often asked what is the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. My shorthand answer is that we are an organization of Professional Writers working and publishing in the SF & Fantasy field. But what is this thing “professional?” A Profession in its most formal sense is a trade/occupation that requires an extensive […]

SFWA Cookbook Available

In celebration of fifty years of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Ad Astra: The 50th Anniversary SFWA Cookbook collects recipes old and new from writers across the span of its membership.

Order Your SFWA Cookbook Now!

                                          The 50th Anniversary SFWA Cookbook features dishes as creative and varied in taste as the authors who shared them. (Please do not eat actual authors.) From Alien Scones to At the Fruitcake of Madness, DOOM Cookies, Falling […]

E.D. Walker: Why SFWA?

A few years ago I attended Viable Paradise, which is a one-week writer’s workshop taught by some of the most talented authors currently writing SF/F. The year I went Steven Gould (our current SFWA president) critiqued my story, in fact, which was wonderful but more than a little surreal. Another indelible memory from that experience […]

Terry O’Brien: What I Appreciate About SFWA

I don’t remember exactly how long ago I joined SFWA. I do know that it was shortly after my stories were published in the early issues of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine, so that puts it somewhere around 1990, so this would be approximately my 25th year as a member. Therefore, as SFWA is celebrating its […]