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Page updated/links checked 12/28/23 Copyright Registration and Timestamp Services Manuscript Pitch Websites/Electronic Slush Piles Pre-Publication Publicity Query and Submission Services Publicists Marketing and Promotion Paid Book Reviews Vanity Radio and TV Book Fair Display Bookstores and Paid Shelf Space Enormous numbers of people are writing and trying to publish books. This vast universe of aspiring […]


Page updated/links checked 12/3/23 Definitions Is There a Difference Between Vanity and Subsidy Publishing? The Pitfalls of Vanity Publishing Vanity Publishers in Sheep’s Clothing Hybrid Publishers Alternatives Due Diligence Warning Signs Resources Definitions Traditional publishers, subsidy publishers, vanity publishers, hybrid publishers, self-publishing–what’s the difference? Some loose definitions: – A traditional publisher (also known as a […]


Page updated/links checked:5/24/24 Submitting to a Small Press: Issues to Consider Evaluating a Small Press Hybrid Publishers Vanity Publishers in Small Press Clothing A Special Warning: Solicitation by Publishing and Marketing Scams Resources Small presses offer an important alternative to the Big 5 publishers (Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, etc.) and larger independents (Sourcebooks, Kensington, etc.), most […]


Page updated/links checked: 5/24/24 Overview: The Evolution of Self-Publishing Issues to Consider The Challenges of Print Self-Publishing or Traditional Publishing? Bad Reasons to Choose Self-Publishing Cautions A Special Warning: Publishing/Marketing/Fake Literary Agency Scams Resources Overview: The Evolution of Self-Publishing * Until relatively recently, if you wanted to self-publish, you faced a labor-intensive and costly process. […]


Page updated/links checked 12/20/23 Copyright Basics Moral Rights To Register or Not? Registration Services For US Writers: The Copyright Claims Board Common Copyright Myths Resources Copyright Basics Copyright, literally, is “the right to copy.” It guarantees the authors of creative works–including books, stories, artworks, films, recordings, and photographs–the exclusive right for a set period of […]


Page updated/links checked 12/17/23 Predatory Contests and Awards Contest and Award Profiteers Is It Worth It? Assessing Contests and Awards Resources There are hundreds of literary contests and awards. Many are real; some are prestigious. But others are either exploitative or pointless. And some are outright scams. Predatory Contests and Awards Predatory contests and awards […]

Mystery Writers of America will co-sponsor SFWA’s Writer Beware

Mystery Writers of America (MWA) will co-sponsor the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Writer Beware program, which exposes publishing scams, educates writers on how to protect themselves from fraud, and maintains a massive database on their website of questionable literary agents, publishers, editorial services, and literary contests.

Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions: Social Organization

  • Where is scientific and/or magical research done — universities, private labs, under the auspices of the ruler/government, etc.?
  • Does it require a license to be a wizard? If so, is it more like a driver’s license (something nearly everyone in our culture gets upon coming of age) or like a doctor’s license (something only a small percentage of the population will ever get)? Who certifies wizards: government, wizard’s guild/AMA, local priests?

Book Authors’ Bill of Rights

This document has been endorsed by the Romance Writers of America (RWA), Novelists, Inc., Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA), and Western Writers of America, Inc. (WWA), representing a total of nearly 11,000 writers. Ratified version (2002) While affirming the freedom of every writer to negotiate in his or her own best […]