Archive for the ‘Bulletin’ Category

Diversity Plus: Diverse Story Forms and Themes, Not Just Diverse Faces

by Henry Lien (This article originally appeared in The SFWA Bulletin #215.)   Something I’ve noticed repeatedly in my author appearances, conference panels, and lectures is that discussions about representation and diversity in the arts today focus on the importance of diverse characters and creators. As crucial as that is, diversity can and should also include […]

Navigating the Parallel but Uneven Ecosystems of Traditional Publishing and Self-Publishing 

by Evan Winter (This article originally appeared in The SFWA Bulletin #215.)   Not long ago, I was asked where traditional publishing spaces are failing self-published writers, and I think I may have an answer: everywhere. This is because traditional publishing spaces aren’t structured in form or objectives to value the needs of self-published writers and […]

Supernatural or Super Unnatural – An Examination of Postcolonial Horror

by Shiv Ramdas Supernatural Or Super Unnatural—an Examination Of Postcolonial Horror (This article originally appeared in The SFWA Bulletin #215.) When analyzing postcolonial horror in the context of the supernatural, it’s striking how disparate the terms “postcolonial” and “supernatural” are within the genre. On the one hand we have postcolonialism which finds itself standing beside the […]

Fine Weather, Isn’t It?

by Tochi Onyebuchi Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in The SFWA Bulletin #215. What about the serial killers? What about the rapists? asks the skeptic in the face of the prison abolitionist. What about the violent crime and the predators? The real Bad People. You would just let them roam the streets? The questions […]

SFWA Announces New SFWA Bulletin Editor

On behalf of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, President Cat Rambo is pleased to announce that Neil Clarke has been hired as the new editor of the organization’s flagship magazine, The Bulletin. After graduating from Drew University with a degree in Computer Science, he entered the educational technology field where he has […]

John Klima Announced as Editor for The Bulletin

President Steven Gould is pleased to announce, on behalf of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, that John Klima has been hired as the new editor of the organization’s flagship magazine, The Bulletin. John Klima previously worked at Asimov’s, Analog, and Tor Books before returning to school to earn his Master’s in Library and Information Science. He now […]

SFWA Bulletin Returns

Issue 203 of the SFWA Bulletin went to the printer this week. It contains articles from members experienced and new, information on SFWA’s opportunities, projects, and activism, and messages from the Board. This issue, guest-edited by Tansy Rayner Roberts, with Jaym Gates as Production Editor, was specially created to be used as an outreach tool for conventions and other events.

Presidential Statement Regarding the SFWA Bulletin

Over the past few days, there has been much public discussion about a non-member’s petition to SFWA regarding oversight of our member publication, the Bulletin. While this petition has not been formally presented to SFWA, I have seen versions and they express concerns for something that does not and will not exist: Specifically, the editor […]