Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Dispatches from the Ebook Wars: Macmillan vs. Amazon

For some time, publishers and others have been concerned about Amazon’s policy of pricing ebooks at $9.99, regardless of the price tag publishers put on them. Many feel that Amazon’s discounted ebook pricing is an attempt to control and monopolize the ebook market by forcing a pricing standard. Some in the publishing industry have even called the practice predatory.

Amazon’s response to Macmillan

Conversation has swept through the internet, and science fiction and fantasy authors in particular, about Amazon’s decision to remove Macmillan titles from their stock after a disagreement about pricing.

Today, Amazon has posted a comment about their policy.

Announcement about SFWA vice president

SFWA Vice President Elizabeth Moon has tendered her resignation for personal reasons. In doing so, she assured me that this decision is not due to any conflicts with SFWA, the other officers, or any members, but is a personal decision due to factors outside the organization. Speaking for the Board, we have enjoyed working with […]

Amazon stops carrying Macmillan titles

In an apparent pricing dispute, has removed Macmillan titles from its lists.   According to the NY Times: “Macmillan, like other publishers, has asked Amazon to raise to the price of e-books from $9.99 to around $15. Amazon is expressing its strong disagreement by temporarily removing Macmillan books,” Edited to add: 1/30/2010 Macmillon’s CEO confirms […]