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Quick Updates for 2010-05-17

@nkjemisin Glad to hear that went well despite the glitches. in reply to nkjemisin # I reported incorrectly that @catvalente dressed as her character. She just had a fabulous orange dress which was a thematic color #nebulas # We are streaming David Levine's Q & A about last night's keynote speech live on the Nebula […]

How to Kill Your Imaginary Friends: Tools for the Toolbox: Going Viral

“Tools for the Toolbox” is a series of posts that describe disease types and organ systems. Eventually I hope to include enough information that a writer might be able to do some creative mixing and matching to produce the symptoms they want to give a character. Because it’s really frustrating to throw darts in the dark and hope something lands near the bull’s-eye. Hope it helps!

Edward M. Lerner: InterstellarNet: Origins

We are not alone. Now what? Among Edward M. Lerner’s most popular novels are the Fleet of Worlds series of collaborations set in what colleague Larry Niven calls Known Space. Known Space brims with strange aliens and exotic locales, making it a great setting for storytelling. But below the radar, Lerner has been constructing his […]

The Importance of Style Sheets

A style sheet is a document the copyeditor prepares that lists the grammatical conventions, characters, places, unusual or made-up words, and the distinctive treatment of words (capitalization, hyphenation, favored spellings, etc.) within a particular text.