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Estates-Legacy Program

Estates SFWA has contact information for Estates SFWA is looking for After a long illness, Estates Project Manager Bud Webster passed away in 2016. SFWA is deeply indebted to Bud for founding the Project and the work he put into it, and we hope to honor him by keeping it strong. Mishell Baker took over […]

PUBSLUSH Press: Update

On Tuesday I posted about PUBSLUSH Press, a new crowdfunding venture for books. I found it an interesting idea (rather than just donating cash to worthy projects, PUBSLUSH supporters actually pledge to buy books…


Who is PUBSLUSH Press? What experience does PS’s staff have with publishing? There’s no information whatever at the website. You thus have no assurance that your book will be competently edited, published, distributed, or marketed.

Nebula Awards 2010 Interview: M.K. Hobson

I find that’s the hardest thing about writing historical novels–getting the little stuff right. There’s plenty of information about the battles, the wars, the huge political movements. But just try to find out exactly what the inside of the county clerk’s office in Sacramento in 1910 looked like!

Contest Alert: WriteOnCon

I’ve gotten some questions over the past week about a fiction contest currently being conducted by WriteOnCon, a “totally free, interactive online Writer’s Conference held annually during the summer.”