Karma’s a Bitch: Robin Price, David William Caswell
Robin Price, a fake literary agent and film producer accused of bilking writers out of more than £500,000 over a number of years, admitted in a UK court on Wednesday to six counts of theft.
Robin Price, a fake literary agent and film producer accused of bilking writers out of more than £500,000 over a number of years, admitted in a UK court on Wednesday to six counts of theft.
Dutch author W.J. Maryson (1950-2011) died on March 9 after being taken to the hospital suffering from heart problems. Maryson, who was born Wim Stolk, was the author of the six-volume Master Magician series and the Unmagician trilogy among other books. In 2004, the third novel of the Unmagician trilogy, De heer de Diepten, received the Elf Fantasy […]
Writers and marketing. In this digital age, the two words are becoming synonymous, but to what end? Having been on both sides of the fence, this is a difficult post for me to write. This isn’t the sort of thing I care to admit or highlight to people, because writers are a unique breed.
Page updated/links checked 12/12/23 Legal Recourse Other Remedies Legal Recourse Just as you shouldn’t put off seeking medical care if you have symptoms of appendicitis, you should not put off seeking legal care if you have symptoms of fraud. A substantial proportion of fraud victims forfeit some or all of their legal remedies by waiting […]
Industry News and Member News for Tobias Buckell, Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Jeffry Dwight, Blake Charlton, Allan Cole, and Catherynne Valente.
SFWA member @blakecharlton's novelette "Endosymbiont" is on Escape Pod. http://bit.ly/hVpjaI # SFWA member @alcole123 asks HOW MANY AGENTS DOES IT TAKE TO SCREW A WRITER? New Hollywood MisAdventure: http://is.gd/YgVRhD # SFWA member @catvalente announces her candidacy for Eastern Regional Director of SFWA. # @cathshaffer You are in the South/Central region. Lee Martindale is the S/C […]
Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware
Today, author Marian Perera reviews a book I often recommend for writers who are interested in learning the basics of self-protection in the shark-infested waters of writing and publishing: The Street-Smart…
In my last two posts I discussed the fact that readers are not going to hope and fear for a character unless that character raises their sympathy and sense of deservingness. But is that enough? Do readers stick around if the characters are utterly boring?
New language in the termination provision of the Harper’s boilerplate gives them the right to cancel a contract if “Author’s conduct evidences a lack of due regard for public conventions and morals, or if Author commits a crime or any other act that will tend to bring Author into serious contempt, and such behavior would materially damage the Work’s reputation or sales.”
Rob Horning in The New Inquiry says publishers will not only use data collected from eReaders to track your buying habits, they’ll use it to track your reading habits. Did you skip to the end of the book? They’ll know. Did you give up on page 28? They’ll know.