Call for candidates for SFWA board of directors

As we prepare to make our recommendations for the Nebula Awards ballot, SFWAns everywhere are no doubt pondering that annual question, “should I toss my hat into the ring for SFWA office?”

Yes, it’s time once again to prepare for SFWA’s annual elections.

John Scalzi has asked that I continue in my role as your Election Officer, and the first responsibility of that position each year is to write to you with a “Call for Candidates.” Quite simply, SFWA needs your participation, and so I’m asking you to please to consider serving SFWA by running for office in this coming election cycle.

The following offices are up for election:

Vice President
Eastern Regional Director
Canadian Regional Director

If you’d like to run for office, think you might be interested in running for office, or just want to kick the idea around with me, please send me an email at:

Individuals running for office should also submit a platform statement to the email address above by Friday, February 18th, 2011. I ask (for the sake of our postal budget) that you keep your remarks brief, and include them in the body of your email and not as a separate attachments. All candidates’ statements will be posted to the SFWA website as they come in, and the full collection of platform statements will be sent out with the ballots in March.

