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Interview with SFWA member L. Timmel Duchamp

With the release of her five book Marq’ssan Cycle, beginning in 2005, L. Timmel DuChamp has gained a reputation for fierce, uncompromisingly feminist writing of the same kind that has marked her short story appearances in places such as Asimov’s and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

Quick Updates for 2010-08-24

SFWA member @daviddlevine's story "A Little Song, A Little Dance" will appear in charity antho "Breaking Waves" http://bit.ly/bU9kzi # AFTER THE SUNDIAL by SFWA member Vera Nazarian – a new collection of time-related science fiction – Available now: http://3.ly/z8R2 # SFWA member @byharryconnolly offers free preview of his upcoming GAME OF CAGES: Chap 1: http://bit.ly/bOP3jG […]