Archive for the ‘Nebula Awards’ Category

Nebula Awards Guest Post: Sex, Skin and Secret Messages

What is it that makes us entertain fantasies about mating outside our own species? Surely this can’t be in our DNA; the mule, sterile offspring of a horse and donkey’s mating, is an example of the evolutionary dead end that results.Yet since our earliest days we’ve apparently been fascinated by the non-human cultures we co-exist with, and the fantasy of strange creatures, able to shift from wild animal to human. Long before we could write, we told stories around the campfire about them, as lovers, not monsters.

SFWA’s 2010 Nebula Award Nomination period is open

SFWA’s 2010 Nebula Award® nomination period is open from November 15, 2010 to February 15, 2011 23:59 PST. Active and Associate SFWA members are eligible to submit nominating ballots. Nebula Facts Active and Associate members may nominate up to 5 works in each category of the Nebulas, the Bradbury and the Andre Norton Award. Members may […]

A Dispatch from the Norton Jury

The Norton jury is beginning its work of reviewing the field of young adult genre literature for 2010, and would like to invite authors to help us obtain your eligible works. The jury will add deserving but overlooked works to the ballot for SFWA’s Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy. Member […]