Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Speaking Common

by Austin Conrad Fantasy worlds often include a single “common” language spoken by a majority of the setting’s inhabitants. Often simply called Common, this shared language smooths over communication challenges in both fiction and games. Dungeons & Dragons is perhaps the most infamous example of a work utilizing Common in this way. This convenience is […]

How to Make Your Next SFF Work’s Currency

by John Dale Beety What do your characters spend? Currency, the forms of money used in a setting, can add rich and suggestive detail to your worldbuilding. Here are eight key questions to answer when creating fictional currency. Does Your Setting Need Currency? Not necessarily! The word “money” shows up only twice in Andy Weir’s […]

Using Poetry to Enhance Your Writing

By Holly Henderson Poetry can be one of the shortest forms of fiction, but it has the ability to make an outsized impact on the reader. This is especially true when poetry is combined with fantasy and science fiction—both forms aspire to express common concepts in uncommon ways. From classics like The Lord of the […]

SFWA Market Report – February 2024

Welcome to the February edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any venue in this report does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. Those markets included on this list pay at least $0.08/word USD in at least one category of fiction. This compilation is not exhaustive of all publication opportunities that pay […]

Sourcing Art on a Budget

By Austin Conrad Editor’s Note: This is the second in a two-part series from Austin Conrad on acquiring illustrations for tabletop games. Part 1 focused on working directly with an artist, while Part 2 presents additional resources. High-quality art plays an important role in creating the well-presented products expected by most consumers of tabletop games, […]