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D. R. Evans

D. R. Evans is the author of the Three Lands fantasy trilogy, as well two popular thrillers and the children’s story “The Boy With Green Hair.” Visit his web site.

2009 winners Campbell and Sturgeon awards

We are especially pleased to see that SFWA member Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother has just been awarded 2009 John W. Campbell Award for the best science fiction novel of the year. His novel tied with Ian MacLeod’s Song of Time which is only the third time in the history of the award that the jurors have ended in a tie.

How do I pay my dues?

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Writing SF For Kids

by Justin Stanchfield Is writing science fiction or fantasy for younger markets really different? Well … Yes and No. It’s true that children’s lit, especially for early readers, can follow a simpler format than mainstream fiction. But … Everything you know about writing, all the rules, guidelines and advice you’ve been given before still applies. […]