a novel by Stephen Goldin Sample of text available for free. URL: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3155
a novel by Stephen Goldin Sample of text available for free. URL: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3155
by Stephen Goldin Sample of book available. URL: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3417
Here are eight words you never want to hear from a publisher that is considering your manuscript for publication:
“How many books are you planning to order?”
Baen Books Can Haz Caption Contest Neow Plz.
Everyone’s heard of LOLcats. But have you ever seen a LOL-Kzin? Hr-r-r, of course you haven’t. Now’s your chance to make one!
Norilana Books presents UNDER THE ROSE, a new cutting-edge anthology of contemporary stories of the fantastic, edited by Dave Hutchinson, featuring work from some of today’s brightest literary talents.
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller have sold the entire backlisted Liaden Universe(R) novels — ten in all — to Toni Weisskopf at Baen Books. The deal was made by their agent, Jennifer Jackson, of the Donald A. Maass Literary Agency. The ten titles will be released as four omnibus editions, starting in June 2010, to […]
Norilana Books has come to another seven-book agreement with the legendary British novelist Tanith Lee to reprint two of her classic high fantasy epic trilogies of novels, The Birthgrave Trilogy and The Wars of Vis sequence, plus one original sequel.
Research Tool: Deep archive of WWI pictures, clearly labeled and sorted. http://3.ly/TGU (via @daniel_poeira) #
As I close in on the end of my current writing project, the issue of self-promotion is much on my mind. I don’t mind admitting that it’s a prospect I contemplate with dread. I’m one of those I-just-want-to-sit-in-my-room-with-my-laptop writers who really is not constitutionally suited for a world in which the definition of “author” also includes “huckster” (or, if you want to be a bit more diplomatic about it, “entrepreneur”).
Fictionwise Bibliography by Mark Bourne URL: http://www.fictionwise.com/servlet/mw?t=author&ai=305&id=52221