Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Meet Your New Guardian of the Galaxy: SFWA Director of Operations – Kate Baker

by Kate Baker

I have one of the best jobs in the world. As Director of Operations for SFWA, I get to be a part of a wonderful organization that aims to help and protect industry professionals. I also get to meet our talented members and help plan the SFWA Nebula conference. With a fantastic events team consisting of Steven H Silver, Terra LeMay, and all the volunteers who step up to lend their time and expertise to the event, we were all excited as the event quickly approached.

Contracts Committee Alert: Non-compete and Option Clauses

The SFWA Contracts Committee believes there are serious problems for writers with the non-compete and option clauses in many science fiction and fantasy publishers’ contracts. The non-compete language in these contracts often overreaches and limits authors’ career options in unacceptable ways.

April Market Report

Welcome to the April Market Report for SF/F. Deadlines and Closures to Note: Alfa Eridiani (Spain) has ceased publication. Gypsy Shadow Publishing, Unlikely Story, and Urban Fantasy Magazine are closed to new submissions until further notice. Hyperpulp (Brazil) has not released an issue since 2012. Intercom-SF (Italy) is currently not publishing. Jupiter Gardens Press is closed to […]