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Guest Post: What is Typography?

For the past year, I’ve been working with dancers from Netherlands Dance Theatre in The Hague on creating a tool that translates text into simple choreographies. A user types a word in a typesetting-like application that plays back this word as an uninterrupted dance sequence where dancer’s body temporarily makes positions recognizable as letters.

Quick Updates for 2011-01-20

SFWA member Sara Creasy has been nominated for a Philip K Dick Award for her debut SF novel Song of Scarabaeus (Eos). # Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member Dan Gollub. Read his qualifying story at Nature http://is.gd/tuu0Pu # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Karen Sandler (@karensandlerYA), author of Night Whispers (Berkely Jove, 1999) […]

How to be a Writer and Have a Life: or, Livin’ the Dream

Writing is a rewarding and fun gig, but finding the time to write can be a challenge. The only commodity an author has are her words, and the only way to produce that commodity is to get some quality butt-in-chair action. Contrary to urban legend, stories don’t write themselves or grow on Novel Trees. So how do you find the time to make the magic happen?