Archive for the ‘News’ Category

New Sections Added to Indie Pub 101!

We are pleased to offer two new sections for our Indie Pub 101 resource hub at! Launched in July, Indie Pub 101’s purpose is to provide up-to-date resources for indie authors so they can improve their craft, produce professional books, and promote their indie work competitively in the digital marketplace, using the best practices […]

SFWA’s Week 4 Events at the Clarion West Write-A-Thon

This week, SFWA has partnered with Clarion West for Week 4 of their annual summer Write-A-Thon! The Write-A-Thon takes place over the same six weeks as their intensive workshop for emerging writers. Anyone is welcome to register to take part in the Write-A-Thon, and if you haven’t yet, please visit their website to do so:  […]

The 2022–2023 SFWA Board

Effective July 1, 2022, the SFWA Board of Directors is made up of the following members: President Jeffe Kennedy  Vice President John Murphy  Secretary Jasmine Gower  Chief Financial Officer Erin Hartshorn  Directors-at-Large Monica Valentinelli, Jordan Kurella, Remy Nakamura, Christine Taylor-Butler, and José Pablo Iriarte. Please join us in giving our thanks to the Directors and […]

Introducing the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc., has successfully filed to do future business as the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA). The nonprofit organization has adopted this new name for most professional purposes. Doing so allows SFWA to be more inclusive of its many international members. Over a quarter of SFWA’s […]

SFWA Membership Applications Open Under New Guidelines

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA) has recently revised our requirements for Full and Associate membership in the organization. SFWA looks forward to welcoming speculative fiction creators for whom these new guidelines will allow them to join their peers as members in promoting, advancing, and supporting the science fiction and fantasy […]

The 2022 SFWA Silent Auction is Open!

We’re excited to announce that the SFWA Silent Auction opens today at 12 Noon Pacific Time! This silent auction runs through May 16 at 12 Noon Pacific Time at the auction website here: Why hold an action? To better serve our expanding membership base (over 2,200 members!), advocacy efforts for all creators, and the […]